Get Legal Help
First Shift Justice Project provides free legal consultations to workers in DC, Maryland, and Virginia regarding work and health & family issues. Specifically, we offer legal advice regarding the following:
Pregnancy Discrimination
Family Responsibilities Discrimination
Family & Sick Leave
Workplace accommodations for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and other pregnancy-related conditions
Workplace accommodations for domestic violence
Free Legal Services
First Shift provides free legal services to individuals who earn up to 300% of the federal poverty guidelines ($63,450/year for a household of two, or $30.50/hour for a household of two). If you aren’t sure if you meet our guidelines, contact us. Please Note: Our income guidelines vary for individuals who live in households with more than one wage earner or who have access to additional sources of income.
Contact First Shift for legal help from First Shift on any of the issues listed above:
By Phone: 202-644-9043; Ext. 1 for English and other languages; Ext. 2 for Spanish.
By Email:
Online: Provide more information about the nature of your legal issue in the form below.
Other Organizations
Looking for something other than employment-related legal services?
The following organizations may be of some assistance:
Legal Services
Additional services
Contact First Shift for Legal Help
Provide more information about the nature of your legal issue in the form below and submit directly from our website.
A Staff Member of First Shift will contact you within 1-2 business days of receiving your inquiry. If you do not hear from anyone, please feel free to follow up via phone at 202-644-9043 (Ext. 1 for English and other languages; Ext. 2 for Spanish) or via email at
PLEASE NOTE: Use of this website and merely contacting First Shift Justice Project does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and First Shift Justice Project. Although any information you provide to us regarding your legal issues will be kept confidential, an attorney-client relationship is not created until an agreement has been reached between you and First Shift Justice Project to handle a specific matter. You should not take or refrain from taking any legal action based upon information contained in this website without first obtaining the advice of professional legal counsel.
Do you have general questions about your rights in the workplace? Take a look at our fact sheets.